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Cocoon Medical Medical 3D Animation

  • Virtual Medicine
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Cocoon Medical Medical 3D Animation

  • Virtual Medicine
  • Product
  • Industrial design
  • Machinery Design
  • Advertising
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Pixel Dreams Projects

Pixeldreams develops a medical 3D animation to show the "MOA" of Cooltech technology.

Cocoon Medical is a Spanish company based in Barcelona specialized in the development of aesthetic medicine equipment. Cocoon works from the initial design phase to the manufacture and marketing of all equipment.

One of Cocoon's star products is the Cooltech technology that works through a mechanism of action based on the principle of the vulnerability of fat cells (adipocytes) to changes in temperature. This medical technology is based on the application of cold at a temperature of -8º, which causes a significant reduction in subcutaneous fat in multiple areas of the body.

Cocoon medical entrusted Pixel Dreams with the challenge of explaining this complex treatment process through a 3D medical animation.

realidad aumentada qué escocoon medical

Pixeldreams, is a 3D animation company from Barcelona that has more than 20 years of experience in the field of audiovisual marketing. Our knowledge in 3D visualization and the use of virtual reality technology allow us to create animated medical videos with the aim of improving communication between companies and patients. In this project, our goal was to be able to explain the treatment clearly and efficiently.
We demonstrate through a 3D animation the effectiveness of this Mechanism of Action (MOA) that also allows working with different applicators and accessories that adapt to all body areas of the patient. At Pixeldreams we have specialized, since 2001, in 3D visualization for 5 key sectors of activity: Architecture and Interior Design, Industry, Medicine, Advertising and Corporate Events for companies.
The use of disruptive technologies will amplify the importance of experiential marketing. Companies will increasingly seek participation and emotional interaction with their customers.
— Alex Mas
3D animation is a key resource for a patient to understand the particularities of a medical treatment, its benefits, as well as all the development phases. The photorealism of our work provides the quality and efficiency necessary to achieve this goal.
The use of disruptive technologies such as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality will amplify the importance of experiential marketing because companies will increasingly seek emotional involvement and interaction with their customers.
Cocoon Medical Medical 3D Animation
Cocoon Medical Medical 3D Animation
Cocoon Medical Medical 3D Animation
Cocoon Medical Medical 3D Animation
Cocoon Medical Medical 3D Animation
Cocoon Medical Medical 3D Animation
Cocoon Medical Medical 3D Animation
Cocoon Medical Medical 3D Animation
Cocoon Medical Medical 3D Animation

The 4 phases of development of a 3D Animation project.

Pixel Dreams develops all its projects in five execution phases, each one aimed at organizing all the audiovisual production within the terms and deadlines defined by the client.

  • Phase 1: Making a Budget: To make a first budget, pixeldreams requests that the client provide a brief script that explains the most notable aspects of the project and an explanatory chronological order. It is recommended that this script be accompanied by reference images and an example of the quality that is desired.
  • Phase 2: Script and Creativity: Once the budget has been validated, Pixeldreams will develop a drawn storyboard so that the client can preview the creativity proposed at the level of plans and cinematographic framing. During this phase it is essential that the client is involved in this process as a co-author in the project.
  • Phase 3: Construction of the 3D model: During the construction process of the 3D model, Pixeldreams sends preview images of the work process so that the client can make the necessary adjustments until their complete satisfaction. It is essential that the client is involved in this process as a co-author in the project.
  • Phase 4: Final Rendering: Once the 3D model has been completed and previous validation images have been sent, the rendering process begins and 1500 images will be generated for every minute of animation contracted. This process has a high start-up cost, so once the rendering process has started, any change requested will be quoted with a new budget.
  • Phase 5: Post-production and sound: Once the rendering process is finished, a linear assembly of the animation is carried out and a digital file is delivered to the client.
Pixel Dreams offers all health, aesthetic medicine and veterinary medicine centers to contract its 3D medical animation services and take advantage of the possibilities provided by 3D modeling as a communication and educational tool in medical procedures of any discipline.
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